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Poem - Beyond Our Sight

This poem is an extension of Beyond and Dark Forces, to consider consciousness and reality out with our own three-dimensional existence. Whatever you believe, I think that science, religion and spiritualism may come together to try and explain this profound question but we will probably never know!

Scientific Reality

BANG, subatomic particles and electromagnetism ignite

Generating the first building blocks of life bound by pure light

Creating our observable universe, what a wonderful sight

But question, how the cosmos can be so huge and so vast

In the infinite expanse of space, are we not a quantum reality?

To experience our dualistic journey through life and mortality.

Religious Reality

Genesis 1: In the beginning, God created the heaven and earth

Dividing light from dark, day from night, and water from land

The sun, moon, stars, seasons, days and years, life, all planned

Regardless of theological variations across a different cultural divide

The world’s main religions rely on trust, faith and self-control

With common themes such as one God and existence of the soul.

Spiritual Reality

See, towards the spirit world where entities continue to thrive

Is this the key to our ‘soul’ to experience love, loss and plight?

To pursue our journey to evolve in what is known as the afterlife.

Some say this passage is a natural progression of life after death

But dead or alive, we can learn and endure these new spheres of reality

Through mind over matter, meditation, near-death or final mortality.

Natural Reality

Note, to the conscious observer, our natural world is truly mesmerising

Nature by numbers, it is a logical maze, embracing the Fibonacci sequence

0, 1 + 1, 2 + 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610... genius

Arcs, spirals, petals, flowers, shells, ocean waves, and the universe itself

Believe it or not, follow the flow of nature’s code, a mathematical equation

‘God’ or ‘Creator’ or ‘Higher Order’ or ‘Force’ or some mysterious emanation.

Socially Constructed Reality

Look, to understand our perception of reality, we must venture inside

Not out there at the physical or natural world, but here, in the mind

That sits in total darkness until photons of pure light intertwine.

Generating electromagnetic signals through billions of neurons

To create the images we see to provide clarity not confusion

It is a multi-sensory, technicolour show, what a fantastic illusion.

Three-Dimensional Reality

Observe, the physical world is full of unimaginable beauty

But restricted and trapped in our three-dimensional reality

With the fourth dimension of space-time, that is our actuality.

Look further, beyond, away from our conscious state of mind

It is hard to comprehend what we are not able to actually see

Dare to leave this physical reality behind and set yourself free.

Multi-Dimensional Reality

Stare in wonder, towards an existence beyond this materialistic realm

Outside the human body, weightless, where space and time no longer assist

Like a seductive kiss, return to the light, how wonderful again, to co-exist.

The soul is free, without physical limitations, to develop, learn and grow

Reconnect to your original form; no past, no present no future behold

Our experience of life and death, both here and there, is a story to be told.

©Marshall Hughes

Image Credit: Unknown

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